Global Patty


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Each patty weighs 1-pound (approximately) patties with 15% pollen. A great protein supplement for your beehive. Ingredients: soya flour, brewers yeast, sugar, water and pollen. Protein supplement patties ensure colony health, good build-up of brood and the production of large honey crops. Pollen patties offer bees a balanced diet when they are unable to forage due to weather, when they have a shortage of stored pollen, when there is a lack of variety in pollen sources, when they have competition from stronger hives, or when they are stressed by pesticides, mites and diseases.
Easy to handle pollen patties come in a “paper sandwich” design. Simply place on top of frames over the center of the cluster with holes in the paper facing down so bees can easily access the patty. Strong colonies will chew up the paper quickly. 15% pollen will yield a much faster build-up as well as a much faster consumption rate. 15% pollen is recommended in the spring, so the hive is strong and ready for the honey flow

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Global Patty

Global Patty Each, Global Patty 10ct Case