Beez Needz Events

About Us

Beez Needz is a family owned beekeeping supply company. We are located in Sophia North Carolina on a 40-acre farm surrounded by Belted Galloway cattle and a beautiful mountain view that is just amazing! We manufacture the majority of our woodenware out of cypress and pine. We strive to supply you quality products at the lowest price. We love getting to know our customers and want to provide the BEST customer service! So stop by and visit us the next time you’re in the area and rest awhile on our front porch in one of the rocking chairs and take it all in!

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Beekeeping Farming Products & Supplies, Honeybee Harvesting Supplies, Package Bees & NUC’S plus Kits Too!

Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

If you’re looking for an alternative supplier to Brushy Mountain Bee Farm give us a look. We’d love to be your new supplier of beekeeping supplies and products. Located in North Carolina you can visit our store in Sophia, NC or buy from our extensive online catalog from the comfort of your home!

Beekeeping Farming Products & Supplies, Honeybee Harvesting Supplies, Package Bees & NUC’S plus Kits Too!

Here at Beez Needz Beekeeping Products & Supplies, located just outside “Good Ole” Archdale, NC, in the center of the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, we have the experience and training to get you where you want to go. Whether or not you are an experienced Beekeeper, Beginner Beekeeper, or want to be a Honeybee farmer, we can help you with any kind of beekeeping supplies and products.  

Great Selection and Low Prices On Everything “Beekeeping” –  And We’ll Ship It To You!

At Beez Needz Beekeeping Products & Supplies, we have all of the best quality products that you will need at any level of beekeeping. Whether it is hand made wooden ware or queen bees, we can provide the supplies that you are looking for to meet your needs. Take advantage of our excellent inventory and low prices by visiting our online store and we’ll ship you what you need!
We have a great selection of assembled kits including beekeeping kits, protective apparel including full bee farming suits, ventilated jackets, hat & veil combos, and vented gloves!

Keeping Bee Communities Healthy

Bee communities, both wild and managed, have been declining over the last half century as pesticide use in agricultural and urban areas increased. Changes in land use have resulted in a patchy distribution of food and nesting resources. Now more than ever, it is critical to consider practices that will benefit pollinators by providing habitats free of pesticides, full of nectar and pollen resources, and with ample potential nesting resources. Honeybees are fascinating and absolutely necessary to our survival and crops, so call us today with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Just to Name A Few Foods That Need Honeybees

Apples, Mangos, Rambutan,  Kiwi Fruit, Plums, Peaches, Nectarines, Rose Hips, Pomegranates, Pears, Black and Red Currants, Alfalfa, Okra, Strawberries, Onions, Cashews, Cactus, Pear, Apricots, Allspice, Avocados, Passion Fruit, Lima Beans, Kidney Beans, Adzuki Beans, Green Beans, Orchid Plants, Custard Apples, Cherries, Celery, and Coffee.